Home security companies

1. Alarm / CCTV Alertwatch Security Philip 01-6896390
2. Alarm / CCTV Systematic Security Solutions Paul Teeling 01-8010706
3. Alarm / CCTV Harris Security Paul Harris 01-8241988
4. Alarm / CCTV Task Community Care Ronan Bunting 01-8435889
5. Alarm / CCTV CK Security Derek Kavanagh 041-9846530
6. Alarm / CCTV TK Alarms Tommy Kenny 046-9557954
7. Alarm / CCTV Netwatch Security Benny Mills 059-9139698
8. Alarm / CCTV G4S Kevin Clancy 086-0230243
9. Alarm / CCTV Crothers Martin Crother 086-2271535
10. Alarm / CCTV MC Security Vincent Cooney 086-2541886
11. Alarm / CCTV Tara Alarms John Curtis 086-2557684
12. Alarm / CCTV Joe Scanlon Joe Scanlon 086-2573220
13. Alarm / CCTV Complete Security John McKeon 087-2295562
14. Alarm / CCTV Boss Security Cathal Byrne 087-2323574
15. Alarm / CCTV Security Stuff Peter Moran 087-2542314
16. Alarm / CCTV Alarm Monitoring Paul Manly 087-6655883
17. Alarm / CCTV Sesco Security Barry McCabe 087-9970571
18. Alarm/ CCTV DK Alarms David Kangley 086-2543033
19. Alarms Car Alarms Navan 086-4000567
20. Alarms Neadus Callus Alarms Sean 087-9110503
21. Alarms / CCTV Tara Alarms Noel Marsh 086-2541566
22. Alarms / CCTV National Security Michael Neary 086-3832900
23. Car Alarms Car Alarms 01-8011652
24. CCTV Dominic Flemming Electricial Dominic Flemming 086-8596979
25. CCTV Dyno locks Mick Stewart 087-2472470
26. CCTV CMS Peripherals Henry 094-9374082
27. Community Victim Assistance Anita Reilly 046-9073880
28. Community Flexibus Miriam 046-9074830
29. Community Mhuintire Na Tire Conor Leary 086-60000753
30. Community Citizen Information / MABS Deborah Dwyer 087-2228264
31. Door Thomas O Connor Thomas O Connor 087-2936090
32. Door Armour Shield Tom Manning 087-2584283
33. Door Falcon Security Frank Fitzpatrick 087-6398382
34. Door Viewer Meilfont Security Stephen Englishby 087-2956880
35. Doors Door Security Ciaran O’Connell 01-4600016
36. Doors Stop the Burglar Peter Murray 087-2515545
37. Doors security Xtra Safe Brian Reilly 086-3542773
38. Elderly Task Community Care Gemma McDonnell 01-8435889
39. Elderly Emergency Response John 086-0265345
40. Elderly Bluebird Care Gavin Kane 086-7773663
41. Elderly Care Direct John McShea 087-6617438
42. Elderly Knightsbridge Nursing Home Mark Hennessy 087-6792896
43. Elderly Helplink South Patricia Johnson 0906-445080
44. Elderly Third Age Mary Nally 046-9557766
45. Fire Safety Westwood Fire Services Des Murray 086-3578871
46. Garden /DIY South Meath Social Economy Martin 086-3880684
47. Insurance ADS Claims Kieran 083-3611586
48. Laminating Prolux Austin Doyle 087-7767772
49. Laminating Armour Shield Tom Manning 087-2584283
50. Lights Evoline Paul Kelly 083-4088579
51. Lights LED Floodlights Gerry Dalton 087-7088998
52. Locks Ivess Locks Tom Ivess 087-6804192
53. Locksmith Keymobile Express Martin Wilson 086-2567079
54. Locksmith Navan Locksmith Colm Reilly 086-1579944
55. Locksmith Locksmith James Shields 086-1962636
56. Locksmith Lock Stock and Barrels Michael Kavanagh 086-8884888
57. Locksmith Michael Cregan Locksmith Michael Cregan 087-2903389
58. Message in a bottle Lions Club Eamon Courtney 086-8092138
59. Oil Security Oakstown Concrete Dermot Reilly 1850200702
60. Photography DMcPhotography David McLean 086-0684415
61. Road Safety Meath RSA officer Michael Finnegan 087-7470480
62. Safes Key Safe Padraig McKenna 086-2568102
63. Safes Safes Tadhg Sweeney 087-2538471
64. Safes – Private Merrian Private Vaults Seamus Fahy 01-6856564
65. Security Secure Your Home Cathal 087-8273330
66. Security Grills Metal Works Darren McElhinney 086-4114353
67. Security Grills Armour Shield Tom Manning 087-2584283
68. Security Shop Crothers Bros Martin Crother 087-2271535
69. Security Shop Security Stuff Peter Moran 087-2542314
70. Self defence Raw Combat Ken 087-2333481
71. Solicitor Steen O’Reilly Solicitor Michael Finnegan 046-9076300
72. Text Grapevine Communication Richard Butler 087-6909675
73. Tracking EZ Track Conor Hannon 086-3866612
74. Windows Lar Murtagh Windows Lar Murtagh 086-2627139
75. Windows Stop the Burglar Peter Murray 087-2515545
76. Windows / Doors Kells Glazing Services Joe Morris 087-2796669

Home security Exhibition in Ardboyne Hotel

Home security Exhibition in Ardboyne Hotel, Navan 26-11-11 from 11am to 8pm.

Hi All,

In light of the number of burglaries and thefts recently around the county I am putting together a Home Security Exhibition which will be held in the Ardboyne Hotel on Saturday the 26 November 2011 from 11am to 8pm. It is hoped to have a cross section of exhibitors which will cover all aspects of home security. I will have alarm companies, CCTV companies, the new product for marking property Smartwater, fire equipment, electric gates, tracking devices for cars and hopefully laptops, window security etching, door security and grills, locksmiths etc. When I have a complete list I will forward around a list of the exhibitors and what they do.

If anybody is interested in taking part in the exhibition please contact me ASAP as the slots are filling up. If you know of anybody that has a good product and would be of interest in the exhibition please contact them to let them know or pass their details on to me immediately.


Sergeant Dean Kerins
Crime Prevention Officer.