Any incidents in the estate should be reported to the Gardaí 046 903 6100.

-contact Gardaí with any issues when they arise, 999 in the case of emergency.

– If there is any problems with how a particular issue was dealt with please ask to speak to a Sergeant about the matter.

Keep safe!!!


Bonfire Warning: Burning of Waste is Illegal – householders or businesses who give waste for bonfire purposes are also culpable and can face prosecution. If you see any waste stockpiled for burning, call Meath County Council on 0469097200

Date Released: 17 October 2017


Burning of waste is illegal!

In the run up to Halloween please remember that a “harmless” bonfire is in fact very harmful, to your health, your environment and your pocket!  Not only do you risk a hefty fine, but the burning of waste is outlawed under the:  Waste Management Act & Air Pollution Act Whether it is in your garden, a building site or even the green area of a housing estate, the burning of waste presents serious risks to the environment and to human health and is against the law.Waste includes, but is not confined to, household domestic rubbish, tyres, pallets, furniture, electrical goods, carpets, mattresses, grass and hedge cuttings.

Beware and Be Warned – householders or businesses who give waste for bonfire purposes are also culpable and can face prosecution.

If you see any waste stockpiled for burning, call Meath County Council on 0469097200.

 Protect our environment and stop the burn!

Dog owners

Please walk your dogs on the lead all the time and never let them run unsupervised. Thank you.
Under Section 22 of the Litter Pollution Act 1997 it is an offence to allow a dog under your control to foul a public place. This means the owner/person in charge of the dog is required to remove dog faeces and dispose of them in a suitable, sanitary manner. You can complain to the District Court under the litter laws against an owner or someone in charge of a dog who allows that dog to foul public places and who fails to act responsibly. Before you do this, you must first inform the dog owner of your intention by completing a special form available from the Dog Control Unit of your local authority. Read more about litter laws.
Please read more: