Your dogs business is your business

We have 5 signs at the moment and we’ll get more to hang around the estate. First ones will be up tomorrow morning.20171109_121322

If you have any photos of dogs doing their business (with or without owner) you can contact Dog Warden with all the details and he’ll sort it out.

To contact the Dog Warden, please telephone Customer Services on 046 9097000 or email


Road sweeper

Thanks to the few residents who kept knocking council’s doors regarding road sweeping in the estate AND the miracle happened today. All main roads look so tidy. THANKS again for all involved!!! More support we’ll have from residents more stuff could be done.

Clean Up Day !!!

Weekend 8-9th April Clean Up Day. Meeting at 11am at the front of the estate. We need to sweep the main roads and the poles for street signs need to be repainted. It’s in everyone’s interest to keep the estate tidy so please get involved and support. Tidy around your house, sweep the road around your house and if you are walking along the estate and notice any litter please pick it up. If you need garden gloves or some bags, please contact us, and we’ll provide some.
Some gloves, bags will be available on the day. Please Please come and join us!!!
If anyone has a wheelbarrow, can you bring it with you please.

See you all there!!!

Dear Residents,

If you’re trimming bushes/trees in your garden, please take care of the brunches and don’t leave them on the green areas. Lots of branches were left at the little green area (at apartments parking area)  in front of 1-4 The Park. Please look after the estate! I collected  3 brown bins of branches. Thanks for the residents, who let me use their bins. It’s OUR estate, so please take care of it.