As part of Supporting Safer Communities Campaign Gardai will have Community stands at a number of locations next week. In the Headfort Arms in Kells on Monday Community Gardai will be in attendance from 12.30pm to 4pm to offer any help and advice to the public. In Navan Shopping Centre on Wednesday from 12pm -4pm Community Gardai will also have a stand. Information leaflets will be available in both locations. Come along and meet your local community Gardai if you have not done so already. If you are interested in setting up a Neighbourhood Watch or Community Alert Group in your area ask advice and guidance form the Gardai in attendance.
Tag Archives: Gardai
Residents meeting with Gardai email from JACC
When we all last met in the courtyard,we spoke of hosting a Crime Prevention evening for the whole community rather than one estate at a time.I have now secured the Rugby club on Tuesday 19th October.The start time is 8:30pm.
Joining us on the night will be Sgt Dean Kierns ( county crime prevention officer ), our local community garda officers, members of the Joint Policing committee,The Mayor of Navan ( Cllr Phil Brennan ) and also an invitation has gone out to all our local Councillor’s and T.D’s to attend our public meeting regarding this serious issue.There will also be local media coverage on the night.
I am asking all J.A.C.C. members and Chairs of each resident association to spread the word in their own estates in regard to this meeting.To try and ensure a good attendance from their own estates. If you could pop info through all letter boxes,community pages,hang notice in front of estates to advertise night.I cannot express enough how important it is to have a good attendance on the night.It will be our only opportunity to have all relevant groups under the one roof together.
The best way to tackle crime is to work together as a community and to speak directly to the people who can make a difference.I feel it is important that the residents in our community should be heard.NOW IS YOUR CHANCE.Johnstown needs a sub garda station and I hope to high light this need on the night.
Please let me know your thoughts on this issue.
Antoinette Faye
Chair of J.A.C.C