AGM meeting

Dear  Residents,

As you are aware, an AGM was held on Tuesday 18th September at 8.00pm in The Courtyard.  The Committee would like to thank the TWO residents who turned up for this meeting.
To say The Committee is irritated at the  extremely poor attendance, is an understatement.   A letter will be sent out to the residents in the next few weeks with details of another meeting, should the attendance be poor, we feel that we have no other option but to cease with The Residents Association.  Should this be the case, we will endeavour, as a group and with YOUR help, to continue with grass cutting of the greens.
As  a  final reminder, the Residents Association does not just consist of committee members, it is everyone in the estate working together, the committee is here as a go between, and to try and help residents with any issues they may have.  We have been in constant contact with Andrews Construction, The Council and the ESB regarding several issues raised by residents with regards to the taking in charge, and other day to day issues.

Remember, it is YOUR estate, and YOUR help/co operation is vital to try and keep the estate, not only looking good, but also tackling problems that may arise.


AGM for the Johnstown Athlumney Communtiy Council

There will be an AGM for the Johnstown Athlumney Communtiy Council taking place on the 10th of March at 8pm sharp in the Ardboyne Hotel.The AGM is open to every resident that lives in the Johnstown Athlumney community.Every body has a… vote on the night.You must be present on night in order to vote.Voting will be a show of hands.

The positions are 1.Chairperson , 2. Vice Chairperson , 3. Secretary , 4. Treasurer , 5. Public Relations Officer.
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