Trees… Updates (look at Replies)

Meath Co.Co. Public lighting section are cutting down trees in the estate. All trees within 7m from the light pole will go down. It has nothing to do with the Residents Association. All complains should go to Meath County Council by Telephone : or by Email at:


The complain was sent yesteday to Co.Co. Public lighting Department (case number 36266 ) and to local councillors. More people complain the better… At the moment it’s not a good news. I’ll put any updates I’ll have asap. Thanks.

4 thoughts on “Trees… Updates (look at Replies)

  1. Hi Laura, I emailed a letter of complaint to the Council, all the Navan town councillors and the Meath Chronicle. It is an utter disgrace that this has happened without public consultation or consideration for the costs you have incurred in planting trees on the estate.

  2. Replay from the council :

    The Transportation Office wishes to acknowledge receipt of your email in relation to the removal of trees planted adjacent to public lighting units in Athlumney Wood in Navan and comment as follows:

    Meath County Council are the roads authority for County Meath and as defined under the Roads Act 1993 (including revisions) the local authority is responsible for the maintenance and construction of all local roads.

    Meath County Council has a duty under the Roads Act to secure the provision of a safe and efficient road network. Therefore I refer you to Part 70 of the Roads Act that placed a duty on Meath County Council to deal with dangerous structures, trees etc.
    Part 70: Dangerous structures, trees, etc.

    (2) (a) The owner or occupier of land shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that a tree, shrub, hedge or other vegetation on the land is not a hazard or potential hazard to persons using a public road and that it does not obstruct or interfere with the safe use of a public road or the maintenance of a public road.

    (9) Where a road authority considers that a structure (or the use of such structure), tree, shrub, hedge or other vegetation presents an immediate and serious hazard to persons using a public road it may, notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (1) to (8), take immediate action to reduce or remove the hazard.

    Trees planted in the wrong locations are a hazard and can render a public lighting unit useless. Tree removal is only carried out where absolutely necessary in accordance with the requirements of the Roads Act, unfortunately this will continue to take place where trees have been planted in locations where they impact on the provision of a safe road network (which includes for adequate public lighting provision). Where an estate has been taken in charge, Meath County Council, as the owner/occupier of the property (the public areas) and as the Road Authority, is duty bound to address the impact of trees on the public lighting system. This duty to provide an adequately lit safe road extends to every road user in the public areas (pedestrians, cyclist, motorists, etc).

    For your information, I include an extract from recent correspondence to Councillors with regard to tree planting:

    Subject to funding and resources being available it is submitted that a programme of tree planting can be carried out on a phased basis and complimenting the series of actions contained in the recently adopted County Meath Biodiversity Action Plan 2015 -2020 in enhancing biodiversity and playing a crucial role in mitigating climate change. The Council’s current Climate Change Strategy and Energy Management Action Plan which is currently being reviewed also lists future actions as follows :

    ü Introduce a tree planting policy (carbon sequestration). Planting trees is one of the easiest ways to offset the local authority’s carbon footprint and become carbon neutral. Trees absorb carbon dioxide to produce oxygen and wood, both of which are very useful for humans and other animals. In addition to offsetting our CO2 emissions, it will provide wildlife habitats, enhance the natural landscape, and increase our native tree species.

    ü Use of council owned lands for tree planting initiatives.

    The Council will work with Schools, local communities and other stakeholders in promoting awareness and appreciation of trees and tree planting and where practicable and in association with tree organisations, identify or provide locations which are suitable for particular tree species and which respect the local landscape.

    Yours sincerely,

    Transportation Department
    Meath County Council
    County Hall
    Co Meath
    046 9097150

  3. Brian spoke to Wayne Forde the local counciler (independent ). And he said he will help us to fight this whole tree thing…. It’s been suspended and he has requested no more trees be cut until the council municipal meeting later in Feb.

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