Below is a press release that has been sent out on behalf of the Johnstown Athlumney community council.
The Johnstown Athlumney Community Council are delighted that the CPO on lands in Johnstown for the construction of an education… campus which will include a special needs school,primary school and and a secondary school have finally begun.There has been a shortage of spaces in both primary and secondary level for far too long.Parents should not have to send their children outside their own community for education and We are glad that this issue is being addressed.
On another very important note,The community council would like to raise an issue regarding the construction of this education campus.
Chairperson of JACC, Antoinette Faye said, We the community council are demanding that at least half the work force necessary to build this project should be employed from the Johnstown athlumney community.these schools are being built within the heart of our community and will be attended by the children of our community.
Meath has the highest unemployment register in all of Ireland.We have a wealth of construction experience living In Johnstown.People who lost their jobs due to the property collapse.The community council intends to lobby local council and local rep’s to ensure that whichever developer wins the tender for the construction of the education campus,that they contact the local social welfare office and invitations to all brick layer’s,plumber’s,electrician’s,plasterer’s etc be sent out for interview.This project will provide employment for a couple of year’s and we want to ensure that the people of Johnstown are not forgotten.
We would also ask that the concerns of the Johnstown Wood residents in regards to the entrance of this school campus be listened too and addressed.
Antoinette Faye
Chairperson of the JACC.
087 7930358.